Gaming Design & Layout
Accepted authorities in the layout and design of gaming operations. Our team members are regularly consulted for the most effective machine and table game mix, configuration, and location to maximize returns from the target client market.
Gaming Operations & Systems
As former career operational executives in some of the most respected gaming operations in the world, our team members are fully qualified to design your operations and systems to streamline all phases of operations, including security, player tracking, surveillance, and labor flow.
Theme Development
As some of the world’s foremost designers of major theme parks, themed casinos, and resorts, our team members can and will develop an exciting and unique adult fantasy experience for your clientele, which will successfully make your operation the destination of choice in this highly competitive market.
3 Dimensional Fantasy Creations
With our experience in the entertainment and gaming industries, our team members are renowned for their themed 3 dimensional fantasies. Whether you are simply interested in drawing a crowd to your facility, or desire a state of the art 3 dimensional fantasy interior environment interactive with the gaming play, then you will find no one more qualified than the gaming and entertainment experts at LA Design to create the environment that exceeds your expectations. We have a proven track record of success in this field, as our many satisfied clients will attest to.
Casino Design
Designing and developing the plans for your casino, as an integrated and carefully planned profit center, with streamlined, low overhead operations, is our specialty. You can be assured that we will design your physical facility just as you would design it yourself, if you had our background and experience, as well as access to the latest successful strategies and methods which are making world class operations the most successful internationally.
Our gaming designers are responsible for introducing the “Room Within a Room” concept to the gaming industry. This concept involves creating a highly themed separate “high limit” (or other) area within the casino main floor, with exciting 3 dimensional creations. Our installations have proven to increase drop by a minimum of 26% and maximums exceeding 45%, from the time of completion.
The reason for this outstanding success is that we are first of all gaming operations experts, who also happen to be some of the best and most experienced designers in the industry. Gorgeous interiors and wild fantasy 3 dimensional creations, do not of themselves produce bottom line increases in gaming operations. It takes a gaming expert to design a gaming operation. When we partially isolate an area, we are able to design within that area for the specific clientele who will be using it, which allows us to employ design methods and psychology which wouldn’t work elsewhere in the casino, but achieves outstanding results in the proper specific area employed.
Hospitality Design
Whether your operation is hospitality only, or combined with gaming, our team members have career experience as both operational and corporate franchise executives in some of the foremost hospitality chains in the world. We apply the same careful planning and design to your hospitality operations and design as we do to gaming or other operations. Unique to our team is their ability to integrate the hospitality and gaming operations and layout, so as to maximize the combined potential of both.
Food & Beverage
As a specialty field of its’ own, food and beverage operations can easily make or break any facility. In today’s food and beverage market, we often deal in fractions of a percent to keep labor and food costs to a minimum and to create a financially successful operation. This is an area that you cannot leave to chance. If you want to be included in the 10% of operations that succeed in newly designed startups then your best insurance is to engage the professional team of LA Design.
Architectural Design & Documents
By using our own acclaimed in-house architect, we eliminate all conflicts between the architect and operations planning, theme design, efficient and adequate operations space and layout, or any other important aspect of your facility. Our architect is concerned that he designs your facilities with more than beauty in mind. Because no department of LA Design operates unilaterally, you have the assurance that each and every aspect of the project has been carefully considered and integrated into the construction documents needed for successful, economic, and timely completion of the construction, as well as immediate profitable operations afterwards.
Commercial Facilities & Interiors
Our team’s expertise is, by no means, limited to hotels, casinos, lounges, and restaurants. Over the years we have designed and built hundreds of other types of commercial facilities, including retail, wholesale, office, medical, financial, educational, administrative, industrial, and others.
Fixtures, Furnishings, & Equipment
As manufacturer’s representatives for many commercial product lines, as well as distributors for thousands of others, LA Design has no reason to push a particular item of furnishing or equipment over another, save that it is the best and most economical solution to your facility’s needs. If you desire, we can easily and inexpensively do your project on a “turn-key” basis, providing all the interior fixtures, furnishings, and equipment needed to effect a timely completion. Because of our massive volume of purchase, we enjoy discounts and favorable treatment that a normal dealer cannot have access to. Because we have designed your project, and are ultimately responsible for its’ final appearance and profitable operation, we will not substitute or compromise the specifications.
Lighting may be the single most important element in the design of your property, and using the best insures operational success.
Franchise Compliance
If your operation is franchised, compliance with franchise standards is an area of extreme concern. In the case of International Hotel Chains, the degree and level of your compliance can greatly affect your rating and bookings. In the case of non-compliance you could even lose your franchise license. Because we have team members that were the ultimate authority in inspecting and determining franchise standards compliance for some of the largest and best known international franchise chains, we offer you the best available in the industry.
Hospitality & Gaming Marketing
With our members’ experience as gaming and hospitality managers, executives, and corporate franchise officers, we are fully equipped to design and/or advise you on successful marketing strategies for your success. Through years of experience, our team members gained the knowledge of what works, and what doesn’t. Allowing our team to serve you through analyzing your current programs or designing a new marketing strategy and program will insure that you will have the greatest return on your marketing investment.
Governmental Agency Permits & Variances
We have individually and collectively dealt with governmental agencies for the last 30 years. Our team members are extremely talented at negotiating with these entities, whether at the city, county, state, or federal level, including Gaming Control Boards, Food & Drug Administration, Environmental, Building Department, Fire Department, Planning Commission, or other. In the area of negotiation for variance from restrictive and unusual requirements, our record of accomplishment is unsurpassed in the industry. Through exhaustive scientific reports and studies, we have even succeeded in many cases in having various agencies create new categories for our client’s operations, with lower fees, and less restrictive standards.
Feasibility Studies & Prospectus Packages
As authorities in all aspects of your project, including operations, design, construction, finances, governmental agency, marketing, and management; we are uniquely equipped to perform project location and site analysis reports and studies, as well as to compose both preliminary and detailed prospectus packages for funding and/or stock options. Industry and financial front runners have often acknowledged our packages as being among the best constructed and detailed that they have ever encountered. The success rate of our prospectus packages is unequaled. If you get off to the right start by commissioning us to prepare your studies and prospectus packages; you will assuredly have invested your precious initial funds in the wisest manner.